Wednesday, December 7, 2011

KL Ramadhan month 2007

Ramadhan Al- Mubarak. A holy month that all muslims have been waiting for. All muslim 'adults' that are 100% healthy physically and mentally have the obligation to perform 'fasting' during day time from dawn until the sun is setting down. Ramadhan month is like a reminder to all muslims that we need to learn to be more patient, positive, humble, modest, self discipline, be respectful and try as best as we can to practice all the good human values and apply it in our daylife. It reminds us as well to be generous and be empathy for those who are less fortunate by doing a charity work or give donation to the needy one throughout your whole life. Happy fasting to all my muslim friends.

Just us waiting to break our 'fast' malaysian style, cun lahhh!!!!

People can find thousands of Pasar Ramadhan (Ramadhan Food Market) across the country. This one is in Bangsar and it is just 15 minutes by scooter from our apartment. We love it because of the colors, smells and the diversity of food here. It is not just muslims who buying the food, but there are many thousands of other religious belief like christian, hindus, buddhist, sikh,shinto, jewish, atheist you name it......etc go out and enjoying this moment to experience the food market because of the variety of food the hawkers can offer the customers. One thing that I love about Malaysia, that we celebrate most celebrations together no matter who you are. That is how it suppose to be, religious fascist will not be tolerate!

Hemmmm, We miss that, yum yummmm!!!

A performance during Hari Raya Aidilfitri ( Muslim celebration after Ramadhan )

My lovely wife dressed like a true Malay woman with our traditional 'Kebarung Songket' during Hari Raya Aidilfitri. I love it when you put that dress on.

Ok I'm hungry, let's go back to Malaysia now!

Having dinner at the laid back Indian Muslim restaurant with our beloved and respected family in KL. We love and miss all of you!

Visiting one of our friends during muslim celebration of Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

My niece and nephew are ready to rock during Hari Raya Aidilfitri with Malaysian traditional dress. Both of you look great!

Just me giving a thumbs up hehe .... Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri / Maaf Zahir dan Batin!!!

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