Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Borneo Sepilok June 2007

From Kota Kota Kinabalu we flew to Sandakan to witness one of the most endangered primates in the world, the 'Orang Utan' (Jungle People). We stayed at Sepilok Jungle Resort which is near to Sepilok Rehabilitation Center for a couple of nights and it was a fantastic experience to see with our own eyes this beautiful and intelligent primates. It is vital to preserve the rainforest because without it, 'Orang Utan' and all the creatures who dwell in the rainforest will be extinct in less than 100 years. So let's do our part by educate our younger generation and the society about how essential it is for all human being to protect our 'ecosystem' before it is to late. Do it now or never!

It look so easy for this teenage 'orang utan' to glide from one end to the other end. Cool!

What a unique character. And a bit show off hehe....

Close encounter ..... human and primate. I wonder which one do the most damage to our nature? We know the answer, how about you?

Inside Sepilok Jungle Resort. Lush, green and refreshing!

Orang Utan in action!!

This is one of many species of monkey in Borneo and it is call 'Macaque'. They are known for their unpredictable behavior and cheeky character. So don't play play ok........ hehe

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