Saturday, August 20, 2011

London October 2009

Back in London on a cloudy October month. A typical English weather as we expected.  But we love the city!

We love Borough Market, so that's the first place we went this time. Borough Market can offer you a huge selection of food..yummy! Try the will not be disappointed:-)

Pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin...Halloween is coming.

Inside the Borough market. Love the smell, love the colors. That's why we need this kinda market in Copenhagen!

To be or not to be....Shakespeare theatre. Next time we want to watch a play...should be amazing.

This Millennium Bridge was built for year 2000. A cool design and what a masterpiece.

From the other side of Millennium Bridge you can easily reach Saint Paul's Cathedral.

A must for every London visit is Portobello Road. Love the atmosphere here with multicultural people.

The crowds on a Saturday noon at the Portobello market.

Street performers...always something new to experience.

The legendary English pub, The Three Greyhounds. Cheers mate!

East Sussex, south of England October 2009

First time we went to East Sussex, England. We went there to visit our good friend who was living and working there. Lee aka the coolguy!!

Walking the beautiful terrain and countryside of East Sussex. 

Mooo moooo...we were surrounded by the East Sussex locals mooo mooo.

The Seven Sisters cliffs from a distance stretching along the coastline between Seaford and Eastbourne. 
The weather was horrible that day, it was heavy rain like a torrential rain in asia, so we got soaking wet.
But somehow we had loads of fun that day! 

Close up picture of the Seven Sisters cliffs.

We also went to Brighton this time on a sunny day. We really liked this coastal town which can offer you many fun things. And at the same time people can just relax on the beach. 
This is one of many grafiti artworks in Brighton. 

Brighton Museum and Art Gallery located in the Royal Pavillion Gardens. Magnificent architecture.

 Another picture from the Brighton Museum and Art Gallery.

The famous sea view of the vibrant Brighton. Sunny day but where is everyone???

Just us posing like a model hehe.

A good place to hang out and have a cold drink. Very colorful beach front.

A sunset picture from Brighton.

 Yet another sunset picture.

We made a quick stop on our way back to London in Lewes. This is a really old town and we somehow end up at Lewes castle.

More of the old narrow streets of Lewes.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Lesbos Greece June 2009

Our summer holiday in the island of Lesbos Greece for the first time. Both of us never been to this island before, but we heard many positive feedbacks from a lots of travelers. So let's rock and roll...... whoaaaa!!!

Gotcha!!! Our first encounter with a local island kitty having a siesta during noon time. It makes us sleepy as well with this hot and dry weather. I thought i saw a pussycat, i did, i did..........

Greek salad yum yum yummy!!! My wife had the salad almost everyday. I totally agreed when wifey say it must be one of the most delicious salad in the whole wide world. Greek salad with the local produced olive oil and cheese on top, hemmmm we can't ask for more....... highly recommended!!

The cultural old town of Molivos with a Byzantines medieval castle standing proud on top of the hill guarding the coastline. We fall in love with all the charming old stone houses and smaller alleys here. The locals are friendly and they sell many beautiful handmade crafts like potteries, paintings and many more. Molivos situated about 4 km from Petra (the other town in Lesbos) where we are staying, so it took us about 45 minutes to an hour to get there by walking. Along the journey walking towards Molivos, you can see beautiful coastline, rock formation and olive plantation. Really nice!!

The coastline in Molivos. We were standing on the higher ground just to get the panoramic view of the coastline and the valleys of Molivos. Too bad it was cloudy at that time, but it was still a breathtaking view!!

Storm is coming!!! We and many others in Molivos can see the storm from a distance is getting closer and closer moving towards us. After 10 minutes from taking this photo the storm arrived in Molivos, thank god we managed to find a shelter in the restaurant.

Let's explore more of the charming old stone houses and shops of the old town Molivos. It feel like walking in the Hobbit village.

The town of Petra. This town is becoming more appealing to many tourists recently and it got it's own identity. Even though it is popular, but you don't feel like it's overcrowded. The beach is nice and the tavernas here are modern with a greek style design. Here we stayed in the charming little family run hotel apartments about 200 meter from the beach. We love it!! In Petra, tourists can easily find a lots of cafes and restaurants along the beach where they served really delicious home cooking greek food with reasonable price. One of the best part is, we witness the stunning sunset of Lesbos almost everyday. We will definitely come back to Petra in the future.

Glykfylousa Panagia Church(Our Lady of the Sweet Kiss) This church perched on top of the rocky mountain overlooking Petra. It is a perfect place to view the whole Petra from up there.

The stunning sunset of Lesbos. Whoooaaa!!!!

Another stunning sunset of Lesbos, heaven!!!

Me and wifey having a breakfast ala greek style on our little apartment's balcony. Amazing view and the sun is shining, that's all we need.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

London August 2009

The reason why we are in London at this time is to watch MJ concert at O2 Arena August 3rd, but unfortunately it never came through. Instead of that, we are still enjoying our time in London as usual.

A typical London phone booth. It can keep you warm during winter time and can be a free sauna during summer time.

Essien with unknown person. Essien is a good humble guy and a fantastic football player. The unknown person in the picture is just another typical tourist who seeking for glory....... boooooo!!!

Underground tube in London is quite efficient. So easy and quite fast to get around the city if you want to avoid the traffic. Try avoid using the underground tube during peak hour, because you will be squeezed inside the train coach like sardines in the can and it is bloody hot too during summer.

Neal's Yard situated in the heart of London. It is a bit hard to locate this hidden bohemian hippy gem, but somehow we managed to find it. We love the colors and the atmosphere here. Very laid back and peaceful. A perfect place to avoid the noisy crowd and wet your throat with the organic smoothies.

Undeniably this is one of the most photographed building in the world. No need much to say, behold!

Inside the infamous Camden Market. Make sure you keep an eye on your kids, because it is quite confusing to find your bearing here especially when it is crowded with thousand of tourists. You can just easily get lost in a jiffy. It is like a huge maze but with a lots of fun, interesting stuffs to bargain for. You're going to need a lots of 'pounds' if you into funky clothing's, artworks, paintings, handmade crafts and many more. Det kan vi godt lide.......

Having a burger and get a free scooter ride? We like..... but make sure you pay before you move your ass up, because the king of England is keep an eye on you. Auuummmmm!!!!

The not so famous bridge in London hehe. The Tower Bridge and Gherkin London standing behind it.

One of the thing we like about London, is the diversity of cultures and the mixed of people from all over the world. Me and wifey can always find a good malaysian home cooking food. Nasi lemak with exotic beef rendang like a true malaysian breakfast, hemmm yummy yummy!! Thank you so much Malaysia Hall cafe!! Kami suka...... sedap!!

Prague May 2009

We bought a cheap flight tickets and booked a reasonable price hotel to Prague to witness ourselves this gothic and beautiful city. One more thing is to check out this famous beer/lager country. If you a beer drinker than this is the right place to go. Republic Czech is famous for their homemade beer, lager and it is amazingly cheap too. Whooahhh!!!

We took this picture at the Old Town Square in the center of Prague (Stare Mesto) because we think that the bicycle is fun, unique and very attractive. What a creative and innovative idea. Cool!

People can easily find a restaurants, bars, cafes and shops everywhere in the center of Prague. Almost everything is just a walking distance. One good tip is to explore the many narrow cobbled stone alleys in the center of Prague, because you never know what lies behind the hidden alley.

A bunch of veterans displaying their musical talent during spring time on the most important bridge in Prague, Charles Bridge.

This was up on the higher ground where the Prague Castle located. We and thousand of other tourists and locals were waiting for the substitution of the Royal Guards around noon time.

The view of the city of Prague from the top of the hill where the Prague Castle located. Nice and beautiful!

What is this? Can you guess? It is actually a massive doors with a hundred of weird and interesting head sculptures mounted to the door. Unique and very artistic.

What a good way to soaked up the warm weather in Prague. You just need a newspaper and underware. That would do it hehe

We really like this human sculptures in Letna Park. A mix of feeling and emotion every time you stare at them.

A little tiny friend we found in Letna Park. Definitely an urban wild animal.

Once you give a good glance to this monumental cathedral from a distance, it's actually reminds us of the Hogwarts Magical and Witchcraft School in Harry Potter film. Brilliant!

Charles Bridge and Vltava River meet.

An ultra modern Prague Tv Tower located in the eastern suburbs of Prague. Really cool the way the babies crawling up and down the tower. Kids don't do this at home!!!